Access the facilities
Attending, conducting research, and working in the facilities of the Department of Biomedical Sciences implies performing activities in offices and laboratories which require authorized access. To access the facilities, it is necessary to follow a specific procedure aimed at preserving the health and safety in the work environment of all categories of visitors (professors, staff, PhD students, residents, postdoctoral researchers, fellows, students, graduates, guests, and visitors of any kind).
The access procedure:
The request has to be presented - preferably by email (direzione.biomed@unipd.it) - to the Department Management Office (“Settore Direzione”).
Your request will be met with:
- An information notice, containing specific instructions, including those related to the mandatory safety courses;
- Risk assessment form, for health surveillance, if required;
- Laboratory Attendees Access Form, which has to be accompanied by the safety course certificates, required by law;
- Form required to access the departmental facilities located at the Vallisneri interdisciplinary complex;
- Form required to access the former Physiology institute (optional);
- Insurance payment form (only for those who are not covered by the University of Padua insurance).
Laboratory or Activity Manager's Intervention: Most forms require the Laboratory or Activity Manager to fill out specific fields and sign the forms as the safety supervisor.
Safety Training: The University has developed training courses that address the most common risks present in research laboratories. This safety training will be further supplemented by the Activity Manager through on-site training, as well as by providing specific safety instructions based on the activities planned and carried out.
- Information notice - updated to February 2023 Download
- Declaration of Insurance payment Download
- Laboratory Attendees Access Form Download
- Risk assessment form Download
- Form required to access the departmental facilities located at the Vallisneri interdisciplinary complex Download
- Form required to access the former Physiology institute Download