Inflammation and immunity
My group studies signals modulating the immune response in physiopathological conditions. We try understanding how to help lymphocytes to fight cancer or viruses on the one side, and, on the other, how to block improper lymphocyte activation and thus autoimmune diseases.
- Marcella CANTON - Associate Professor
- Barbara MOLON - Assistant Professor
Lab Member
- Roberta ANGIONI - Post-doctoral fellow
- Cristina LIBONI - PhD Student
- Ricardo SANCHEZRODRIGUEZ - Post-doctoral fellow
- Nicole BERTOLDI - Research assistant
- Chiara CIOCCARELLI - PhD Student
- Elisabetta MARCUZZI - PhD Student
- Alessandra TESTA - PhD Student
- Francisca VENEGAS - PhD Student
- Fabio MUNARI - Research assistant
Five recent publications
- Wang CM, Ploia C, Anselmi F, Sarukhan A, Viola A. ATP acts as a paracrine signaling molecule to reduce the motility of T cells. EMBO J 2014, 33(12):1354-64.
- Kallikourdis M, Trovato AE, Anselmi F, Sarukhan A, Roselli G, Tassone L, Badolato R, Viola A. The CXCR4 mutations in WHIM syndrome impair the stability of the T cell immunological synapse. Blood 2013 122(5):666-73.
- Mazzon C, Anselmo A, Soldani C, Cibella J, Ploia C, Moalli F, Burden SJ, Dustin ML, Sarukhan A, Viola A. Agrin is required for survival and function of monocytic cells. Blood. 2012 119(23):5502-11.
- C. Mazzon, A. Anselmo, J. Cibella, C. Soldani, A. Destro, N. Kim, M. Roncalli, S.J. Burden, M.L. Dustin, A. Sarukhan and A. Viola. 2011. Agrin is a novel non-redundant player of the hematopoietic stem cell niche. Blood, 118(10): 2733-2742.
- Molon B, Ugel S, Del Pozzo F, Soldani C, Zilio S, Avella D, De Palma A, Mauri PL, Monegal A, Rescigno M, Savino B, Colombo P, Jonjic N, Pecanic S, Lazzarato L, Fruttero R, Gasco A, Bronte V, Viola A. 2011. Chemokine nitration prevents intratumoral infiltration of antigen-specific T cells. The Journal of Experimental Medicine 208(10):1949-62.
progetti Inflammation and Immunity
- Telethon, Italy (coordinator). Subject: the WHIM syndrome
- Ministero della Salute-Progetto Giovani Ricercatori, Italy. Subject: Mesenchymal Stem Cells
- ERC AdG Subject: the Phagocytic Synapse
- FP7-Health 2013 Subject: Mesenchymal Stem Cells