PhD Program in Biomedical Sciences
Coordinator:Prof.ssa Ornella Rossetto
Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Paola Pizzo
Secretariat: Drs. Marta Martini (telefono: 049.827.6142, e-mail: marta.martini@unipd.it)
The Graduate School in Biomedical Sciences of the University of Padua is organized within the Department of Biomedical Sciences in the Interdepartmental Vallisneri Complex. The Course – which includes 11 Scientists from the National Research Council (CNR) Neuroscience Institute and 4 foreign Members from abroad – currently has a total of 67 Faculty members whose scientific expertise covers a large spectrum of biomedical disciplines. Altogether, the School offers all the Facilities needed to perform cutting edge research in Biomedicine. Research activities of the students are mainly carried out in the Vallisneri complex but specific facilities are available at the Physiology Institute, Venetian Institute for Molecular Medicine, and Institute for Pediatric Research “Città della Speranza”.
The mission of our School is to train top-level individuals in the field of the Biomedical Sciences. Our students are expected to combine a strong basic understanding of biological processes with the application of advanced experimental techniques. Our goal is to provide our Students with a first- level education, helping them to pursue professional careers in Science. Although the major emphasis of the Program is in experimental research, we also provide ample learning opportunities through weekly Journal Clubs, dedicated Courses and a large number of Seminars which cover most aspects of the Life Sciences. We strongly encourage foreign applicants, and all our research and teaching activities are performed in English. Over the years this has created a multicultural, multilingual community that is both stimulating and rewarding for Students and Faculty.
We are actively involved in making our PhD Program appealing and competitive with the best Centers in the world. Most of our Faculty has trained in top Institutions in Europe and the USA, and their superb publication record speaks of dedication to Science and success in fund raising and research management. In recent years, we made an effort to increase the number of applicants from abroad as well as from Italian Universities other than Padova.