PhD Applications
CALL FOR ADMISSION TO POSITION IN MSCA DN PROJECT INCITE: WP3 (DC11; CNR) / Mitochondrial and nuclear control of adaptive thermogenesis in insects: the role of UCPs and TNALPs from a circadian and seasonal perspective
Prof. Rodolfo Costa
Prof. Carlo Viscomi
A Marie Curie ITN PhD position is available at Padova University/National Research Council of Italy to work on mitochondrial and nuclear control of adaptive thermogenesis in insects.
More detail (WP3 - DC11; CNR) on
Application procedures, by Oct 15, on
Please be sure to read every part of the Call - see here - and download the specific sub-part of the call dedicated to the PhD Course in Biomedical Sciences, see here.
This year, we are proud to announce that we have a total of 13 positions available for motivated PhD students from Italy and abroad.
Here is the link to the online application.
The Course has a duration of 3 years. Applicants should hold a Master Degree (Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale or Diploma di Laurea - vecchio ordinamento) issued in Italy, or an academic qualification of equivalent level issued by a foreign University and recognized by the Italian Ministry of University (MUR). Students expecting to obtain their Master Degree by September 30, 2024 may also participate in this call.
Courses will start on the first of November of each year.
Positions are supported by scholarships from the University of Padua, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Istituto di Neuroscienze del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Candidates must present their CV by filling the template CV_Form.
Students may spend part of their PhD abroad (up to 12 months) and their salary is increased by 50% for the period spent in foreign laboratories. Each PhD student’s research and didactic activity is closely followed by a Supervisor who is indicated by the Faculty Board. Students have a dedicated budget to be spent for participation in meetings and conferences in Italy and abroad.
The University of Padua offers a total of 24 accommodation places at the "Casa dell'Assistente Prof. Virgilio Ducceschi" in via Marzolo 14/16, Padua, for students enrolled in the academic year 2024/2025 in the first year of PhD programmes at the University of Padua, see here.
A guide for International PhD applicants (prepared by Padua University) can be found here.
For any questions regarding the application procedure, please contact Marta Martini, secretary of the PhD Course (
For further information please click here.
Technical guidelines for the submission of the application form for PhD Courses, 40th series - Download
CV_Form - Download
Appendix 2_Accommodation Ducceschi PhD - Download
Appendix 3_Galilean School of Higher Education PhD - Download
Examinations are considered passed if the candidate obtains an equivalent to at least 7/10 (preselection: 28/40 and oral examination: 42/60).
Results of the Evaluation of the Preselection - Download
( "SUPERA LA VALUTAZIONE" means You passed the preselection ).
The oral examination is scheduled for 03 JUNE 2024 at 09:00 room RG-Vallisneri Building (Via Ugo Bassi 58/B, Padova) and continues on June 04 in room RG-Vallisneri.
Oral Examination – ZOOM MEETING- Download
(Enter the password you received in the confirmation email when you submitted the application form to view the schedule)
Oral Ranking - Download